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ANIME vs MANGA | Aku No Hana

I've already read the manga up to Chapter 45 (Yes, this is still ongoing & YES - I plan on reading it!). Funny thing is, I haven't watched the anime yet. I actually stumbled upon the anime by accident one day with my boyfriend on Episode 2; now there's 10 episodes out!

Description According To
The story opens as middle school student Takao Kasuga receives an F on a math test. But he doesn't even seem to notice because he's too engrossed in surreptitiously reading Beaudelaire's The Flowers of Evil. And the day goes downhill from there. In a moment of weakness, he finds and takes home the gym clothes belonging to sweet, pretty Nanako Saeki on whom he has a major crush. Unfortunately for Takao, there's a witness to the theft: Nakamura, who has a huge chip on her shoulder and a sadistic streak. As the saga unfolds, we see Takao struggling to decide whether to confess or cover up his misdeeds at the same time that he tries to win over the girl of his dreams, and avoid the blackmail attempts of Nakamura, his new ”BFF.”
 *I like their description better than any other website for the manga & the anime because other sites fail to include that Nakamura, is in fact, THE DEFINITION of sadistic. They just say some sugar coated bullshit like, "The weird girl of the class witnesses Kasuga's theft & begins meddling with his life". No, no. Tell me why she's jerking him around.

The show appears to be live action with cell shading over top of it, which is a style I've never seen in anime before. From the pictures & clips I've seen, it's a little strange but not hard to get used to.

I'm really interested in seeing how this actress portrays Nakamura; she's my favorite character! Also, I'm not sure how much they're sticking to the manga but I hope they keep everything canon. I plan on watching this soon, I've been working a bit much recently. When I do, I'll keep you updated! I heard they're only doing 13 episodes total which means it's gonna end soon and... well, they couldn't possibly have as much content as the manga nor are they even halfway through the manga.

What anime are you watching right now? I'm honestly apart of the Shingeki No Kyojin/Attack on Titan Fandom.


  1. This show sounds incredible! I can't believe I haven't heard of this before... definitely going to look this one up soon :D

    I haven't been watching a lot of anime recently, but I'm a huge sucker for shojou manga. The predictability of the plot makes me feel smart. hahaha

  2. Ahh, I'm really sorry... I have no clue how to send direct replies on Blogger but if you want to watch, I use a website called - they have virtually EVERYTHING! Old & New :]

  3. No worries :D
    I think you have to change your settings this site would be handy: here. It's the google help thingy. Keep up the good work!
