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If you didn't know, the official announcement and confirmation of the Sims 4 was released today at the EA Gamescom Conference. 
I am sooooooo frickin' excited. About a week or so ago, I saw some leaked photos of the game and I wasn't quite sure if I should believe that it was real or not, but what I saw was directly from this footage (crazy!).
Today, I learned that this new Sims game is based around the emotions of our Sims. Certain activities, social interactions and even home decor can create an effect on a Sims emotions. 
I'm thrilled to see, based on the return of Maxis, that the Sims has come back to a more cartoonish game design. I did like the psudeo-realism but this almost feels nostalgic, reminding me of my Sims 2 after school shenanigans. 
I must say, I am in loooooove with what they did for the build mode. It looks as if they took the blueprint update from the Sims 3 and modified it into something more free and adjustable - they really thought about us while making this game. I'm also impressed by the new Create-A-Sim [CAS]. In the previous Sims game, I didn't have too much of an issue with the CAS, except for trying to manipulate faces the way I wanted... mainly nose and lips, so I wound up making all of my Sims have the same nose and lips but with minor tweaks with make up or custom content. 
All in all, I'm totally excited for this game and I'm glad I'll have GTAV, Saints Row IV, ACNL, and a few other games to hold me over until 2014
Thanks for Reading!

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